Issue 1:

Full Disclosure

Issue 1: Full Disclosure calls for both deep, introspective works, conveying the power of self-liberation, and muddled portrayals of innocence lost. Explore the psychological impact of consumer culture, gnawing feelings that keep you up at night, and the coping mechanisms we employ to silence it all. Seek refuge in the genuine connections around you; show us where authenticity can be found in chaos.


  1. We accept submissions in prose (fiction, non-fiction, review, essay, interview), poetry, and visual art (illustration, fashion, photography) from artists of all ages and backgrounds.

  2. Multimedia submissions are always open to be featured in special publications.

  3. Work may be previously published or a simultaneous submission. It is the artist/writer’s responsibility to ensure that the piece may be featured in multiple publications.

  4. If publication rights conflict, please contact us as soon as possible to withdraw your submission.

  5. All submissions are scanned for AI and plagiarism. Any unoriginal work will be immediately rejected- work must be original.

  6. Pieces should be respectful of all cultures, backgrounds, and identities. Submissions featuring discriminatory or offensive content including but not limited to homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, racism, or sexism will be immediately rejected.

  7. While our editors judge all works equally, submissions by unpublished and/or marginalized voices are prioritized.

  8. By submitting your work, you are agreeing to grant The Blue Jay Magazine first North American serial and electronic rights in the event your submission is accepted. (All rights return to the author after publication).

  9. If your work is chosen for Issue 1: Full Disclosure, you are welcome to submit for the next issue as well.


Submit up to 3 pieces in one document with respective titles. (.docx .pdf.) We accept all forms of poetry.


Submit up to 2 pieces in one document with respective titles (.docx .pdf.) We accept all forms of prose. Word count limit of 2500.


Submit up to 3 pieces (png, jpg, jpeg). We accept all mediums of visual and multimedia art.

Please allow our small team of editors up to one week after the submission deadline to deliver your acceptance/rejection notice. The Blue Jay Magazine strives to preserve the artistic integrity of all work we publish. However, we reserve the right to make basic corrections of typographical errors.


If you have any questions about your work’s eligibility or concerns regarding its content, please contact us at